16 Ideas To Revamp Your Living Room In A Cheap And Cheerful Way (Photo Gallery)
Not always to renovate a room in your home you need to spend a fortune, but you can give it a youthful touch, colorful and fun to a room with a very low budget. Here are 16 ideas to revamp your living room offered by our collaborators cocontest, the digital platform dedicated to interior design
A growing number of architects and designers who use the internet to provide their services in architectural planning and interior design. At the same time, more and more home owners who rely on the network for projects to renovate their spaces
The growth of this trend is leading to a gradual improvement of the efficiency frontier price of this special online services category. An example of this phenomenon can be found in one of the recent contest ended on cocontest, site of the market pioneer, entitled: Living room design
The competition was launched a few weeks ago on the platform devoted to interior design by a young couple, to renew the living room of their apartment in Reggio Emilia. Confirming the trend described above, with an investment of only 170 € the two young men have achieved as many as 16 projects by architects and designers from around the world.
Also read 7 Ideas To Renew Living Room.
Vincenzo and Silvia were in need of the interior of cocontest designers help create a room that would leave everyone speechless. The main obstacle was represented by the presence of a column that made it difficult an efficient positioning of the furniture in the room. so they were looking for projects that would help them to choose how best to arrange the furniture (mobile TV, sofa, bookcase, chandelier etc.), but above all value / camouflage column
Among the many quality projects was the winner of that achieved by the Milanese architect Andrea Ariazzi , which has implemented a project able to take advantage of the distribution of space and enhance the perfectly integrating the column in the new hall design
Runner-up project designed by engineer Llaveria Spaniard Alvaro Sanchez , who thought a modern and youthful, and he was appreciated especially for having integrated the column in an elegant and functional library a split into two distinct areas salon
Another interesting idea proposed by architect Alessandra Lelli , who thought of integrating the column in a fire futuristic design, transforming the bulky column in the middle of the living area button
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